Join us for an unforgettable evening with Joe Wong黄西, the renowned comedian and talk show host, as he brings his signature humor and wit to the stage. This event, titled “This Asian Hates Asian Hate,” promises to be a thought-provoking and entertaining exploration of the Asian American experience.
Joe Wong is a Chinese-American stand-up comedian who performs in both English and Chinese. He made appearances on Letterman, Colbert, and Ellen shows, as well as headlined the 66th Radio and TV Correspondents’ Dinner in Washington D.C. where he roasted the then vice president Joe Biden. Joe hosted his own Television talk show in China Is This True? for 10 years. In 2018, he was featured in the book First Generation: 36 Trailblazing Immigrants and Refugees Who Make America Great. Joe Wong also published a number of books and e-books of his own.
PLEASE NOTE: Ticketing for this event is not managed by Gateway Theatre. The BUY TICKETS link will take you to their Eventbrite page. For ticketing inquiries, please contact the event organizer on their Eventbrite ticketing page.